Setting a Global Default for class construction?

Josh English english at
Sun Feb 2 19:00:46 EST 2003

Mongryong wrote:
> Ah, this is one of Python's 'Gotchas!!' that will blow of your leg if
> you try to get to fancy with your code.
> Default values for parameters are set only once - at import time. The
> following is what I believe you're looking for:
> Thing="it"
> class NewThing:
> 	def __init__ (self, thing=None):
> 		if thing is None:
> 			thing = Thing
> 		self.thing = thing
>>>>module.Thing = "new it"
>>>>t = module.NewThing()
> 'new it'

I suspected I was a getting got by a Gotcha! I had to use a global 

_Thing = 'it'

class NewThing:
	def __init__(self,thing=None):
		global _Thing
		if thing: self.Thing = thing
		else: thing = _Thing

Thanks everyone for the help. I am glad that such a simple solution was 
to be had.

Josh English
english at

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