Call for input: Standard Python MIDI module

Lennart Regebro lennart at
Mon Feb 24 10:00:45 EST 2003

I've looked around for Python MIDI support, and found a lot of
modules, some doing this, some doing that, some doing strange stuff I
don't understand.

What I haven't found is one portable MIDI library that does the
simplest of things: Send and recieve MIDI.

Now, I want one, and therefore, in true open source fashion, I'm
making one. But first I want to make sure that this doesn't exist, and
that I'm just not good at Googling, and secondly, I want support from
others, becuase I'm not sure it's going to be very good if I do it all
by my self. :)

My goals with this project would be to create a MIDI module for Python
that can:
- Send an receive arbitrary MIDI data
- Be extended to support any Python platform that has MIDI hardware
- Do not require any third-party software
- Could conceavably become a part of future standard Python distros

So, my questions are:
1. Has *anybody* already done this already?
2. Have *you* done something similar?
3. Would *you* be interested in helping?

If the answer to any of this is yes, then send me a mail.

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