my first socket!

Nagy László nagylzs at
Tue Feb 18 04:31:59 EST 2003

> I'm currently trying to receive data from a socket with
> data = mysock.recv(LENGTH)
> the fisrt byte of data is the length of data to receive.
> If I print the length I get : print data[0] -> "\x04"
> How can I "cast" it in order to handle it as an int whose value is 4 ?
> thanks
You can use the 'ord' and 'chr' functions to convert between a character 
and its code.
They are using 8bit integers in range(256). If you want to send bigger 
numbers you
can either

  1. Create your own conversion function (e.g. send more digits with
     radix 256)
  2. Use the Pickle or cPickle to temporary convert the object into a

Laci 1.0

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