best college for computer science major

Kirk Strauser kirk at
Thu Jan 9 17:10:10 EST 2003

At 2003-01-08T22:07:27Z, "Tupoi" <EDB30 at> writes:

> ok to be more specific what are the best undergrad schools in the US for a
> Computer Science major in general because most undergrads like me
> probbably have not decided whether they will be computer programmers,
> network guys, or whatever else.

I went to a state school, Southwest Missouri State University, and loved
it.  The classes were very small, and I got to know much of the faculty on a
first-name basis over the years.  For being a small, little-known school,
the students recently scored at the 96th percentile nationally on the MFAT.
Kirk Strauser

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