How to send output to file

Stefan Schwarzer sschwarzer at
Thu Jan 23 18:14:10 EST 2003

Gerrit Holl wrote:
> A schreef op dinsdag 21 januari om 09:54:37 +0000:
>> I use httplib module.
>> By h.set_debuglevel(1) I start debugging but the output is written to DOS window.
>> How can  I divert the output to file instead.
>> Thank you for help.
> You can assing to sys.stdout
> import sys
> sys.stdout = open("myfile.log", "w")

Specifically, you can set and reset sys.stdout:

sys.stdout = open("myfile.log", "w")  # like above
     # do things that write to sys.stdout
     # sys.__stdout__ contains the "real" standard output
     sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

Note that the above approach will also affect print statements in other threads
than the one which should use the redirection.


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