Python web development, really

Afanasiy abelikov72 at
Tue Jan 21 14:11:33 EST 2003

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:37:49 -0500, "A.M. Kuchling" <amk at> wrote:

>Afanasiy wrote:
>> In my commandline scripting tests, Python always beats PHP...
>> What would stop a new Apache+Python integration project from being faster?
>Perhaps Richard knows the Zend optimizer for PHP is faster, or assumed 
>it would be.  If you've measured Python at being faster, though,
>that would settle the performance question for you.

That settles the performance question for standalone scripts.
This requirement targets the speed of the entire web solution.
As such, Zope fails the requirement even though it uses Python.

As far as whether or not he meant Zend, explicit clarification
is needed to be sure. I myself would not assume Zend is faster.

>>>>* Big plus, but optional, auto prepend/append files
>>>>  (eg. Apache+PHP has .htaccess directives like this )
>>>>  (    php_value auto_prepend_file "_header.php"     )
>>>>  (    php_value auto_append_file "_footer.php"      )
>>>>  (granular down to the directory
>> Not from what I have seen. I even imagine implicit vs. explicit would
>> cause many Python programmers to love writing cascading header/footer
>> includes and custom error handling on every new page, even if via paste.
>There are lots of different ways to tweak the HEAD element, though,
>and to present additional things, so header() can get quite complicated:
>It would be hard to make things this flexible with an automatic headera
>and footer system, and in the common case (just supplying a title)
>the overhead is low, so I find this an acceptable trade-off.

This requirement has little to do with programmatic creation of <head>

>> Which platform do you recommend I test for all of these requirements?
>> Many tested so far fail relatively easily. I am looking for concrete
>> suggestions from people experienced in this sort of web development.
>I think the problem with offering a recommendation is that you haven't 
>said in what respect they fail.  Too low-level?  Too many assumptions
>that don't fit your situation?

None of those researched meet enough of the documented requirements.

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