Looking for CORBA examples, or something better

Two Inches missedby2inches at gmx.net
Sat Jan 25 06:18:03 EST 2003

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Hi.
> After a university brainwash of Java's RMI and Microsoft's COM, I'm
> looking for a python CORBA... interface? I mean, an example/module
> I should use to communicate to other CORBA objects.
> CORBA is usually more code verbose than Java's RMI, because RMI
> knows it's talking to another Java. Is there something similar
> in Python? Something easier to write than CORBA but restricted to
> python. Maybe YAMI?
> Please point me towards the juicy documentation (huh, google is
> unreachable from my end now)

Some good examples of CORBA and Python in action can be found on 
random.org :-)

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