Update: KOBRA - .NET for Python

Chetan Gadgil cgjunkaddr at attbi.com
Wed Jan 29 00:17:52 EST 2003

Download at:


Check out http://www.gadgil.net/DotNetWrapperForPython.htm for updated docs.

New features/fixes:

1. Create objects with arguments in the constructor.
2. Example for ADO.NET
3. Improved error handling and reporting
4. Support libraries now part of the above windows installer
5. Fixed some glitches in the Python wrapper library that caused it to fail
for certain cases

With this version, you have a lot more flexibility to use almost all of the
.NET framework from Python.

Performance is very good as the layer adds little overhead and is
implemented in managed C++.

As always, comments/suggestions are welcome. Email them to
"cgjunkaddr at attbi.com". (Yes, the address works.)

Chetan Gadgil

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