
Cliff Wells LogiplexSoftware at
Tue Jan 21 15:40:07 EST 2003

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 06:16, Arthur wrote:
> |"Arthur" <ajs at i...> wrote previously:
> ||>BTW, you still haven't mentioned the package. Tell me THE ||PACKAGE!!! ;)
> ||I am *never* discrete.
> ||But at my age, an opportunity for a new experience is rare.
> To which the good doctor adds,
> |s/discrete/obnoxious/
> |s/rare/elsewhere/
> The beauty of this is that I don't know what it means. 
> I suspect I might.
> The fact that it is composed as a message from the initiated
> to the intitiated - says enough.
> My alienation from the community would decrease if it  
> credited itself less for being something other than that.


I'm going to pipe up here and say that, despite all the disagreeing and
having been attacked on several fronts (I'm disregarding for the moment,
who is right or wrong about the issue in dispute), you've handled
yourself very well, and if others can't respect you for *that*, despite
disagreeing with your POV, then that reflects badly on them, not you.

Have a nice day,


Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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