Python vs. C++ Builder - speed of development

John Ochiltree johnochiltree at
Thu Jan 30 00:23:37 EST 2003

Brandon Van Every wrote:

> John Ochiltree wrote:
>> The obvious difference between C++ and python is surface complexity.
> I agree.  C++ is unnecessarily verbose and picky.
>> Python allows you to 'see' the solution a lot faster; C++ - you have
>> to mentally filter out all the gumph that is not to do with the
>> solution.
> I disagree.  90% of the time I do not use the verbose / picky stuff.  For
> the kinds of 3D graphics problems I usually tackle, it isn't going to make
> any difference whether the class methods are specified in Python or C++.
> I do agree that when I *am* forced into the verbose / picky stuff that 10%
> of the time, I lose disproportionate amounts of time mastering yet-another
> language "feature" of C++.  Consequently, I Keep It Simple Stupid 90% of
> the
> time.  That's how you survive in a C++ world.  You either do things in a
> very simple and straightforward way, or you get paid a lot of money by
> someone else to deal with the headaches.
>> For instance, if I apply a pattern (an architectural
>> feature) in either language I can see how the pattern supports the
>> solution faster and easier with Python than I can with C++.
> For my particular case use, I do not believe in patterns.  I believe in
> mathematics.  I care about things like "SphereArc" or "Trigrid."  Not
> "Abstract Factory" or "Singleton/Letter."  I've got books on all that
> stuff, and for what I do, it's rubbish.
>> I tend to
>> use python to prototype and explore possible solutions but if I need
>> optimisation I do a thorough up front design based on the prototype
>> but using C++.
> I just code up an exceedingly minimal feature set in C++ to begin with.  I
> don't code things unless I absolutely know that I need them.  I have a
> attitude towards coding, not a featuritis attitude.  I am exceedingly
> incremental and architectural about how I handle my own development.  I
> can
> do that because I'm the only one coding.  In a customer environment where
> I had to spew a lot of featuritis to please fools, I'd probably adopt
> different tactics.
> In my game development, I forsee a time when I'll need a more flexible,
> experimental approach to coding.  But right now I'm building the
> structural
> foundation.  C++ is the correct tool for my jobs right now.
> --
> Cheers,               
> Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA
> 20% of the world is real.
> 80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.
Why do you bother to use c++ as you obviously don't care about reuse. 
Patterns these days are essential to OO

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