Something like asynchronous XML-RPC possible?

Laura Creighton lac at
Fri Jan 24 10:51:22 EST 2003

I get the sinking feeling, reading this thread, that the problem is that
Will Stuyvesant's boss has heard the word 'UDP' and the word 'asynchronous'
at the same time, and thinks that he has found a known solution for what
he wants Will Stuyvesant to do.  He has no idea of the horrible complexity
he is asking for.

In this case, it might be well to implement an 'it is easier to get
forgiveness than permission' policy. 'Convincing the boss that this is
a bad idea' is a better plan than 'doing it anyway even though it is
a bad plan because it is too hard to explain this to the boss'.  This is
due to the difficulty of 'doing it anyway' regardless of the difficulty
of 'explaining to the boss'.

Good luck,
Laura Creighton

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