Where do you store data files?

Jp Calderone exarkun at intarweb.us
Tue Jan 21 15:01:43 EST 2003

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:53:56PM -0500, laotseu wrote:
> Just leave the choice to the user ! (ie : have a [config file|register 
> base entry|ini|...] saying where the data should be stored).

  A possibility - but a common viewpoint is that the more choices you foist
off on the user, the less usable your app is.  The developer shouldn't
wimble, he should make decisions.  Provide a reasonable default (Personally,
I'd pick <home>/<appname>/) and then, maybe, make it user configurable.


"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their
                -- Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society
                   Convention, 1977
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