regression bug in pywintypes SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES? reference counting?

Dale Nagata dnagata at
Wed Jan 22 00:47:09 EST 2003

I've migrated some code from Python 1.5.2 to 2.2.2 with win32all-148, most
works just fine.

One thing that I can't quite figure out is why code exactly like in

now gives me the following error when before it worked fine in 1.5.2:

pywintypes.error: (1336, 'CreateEvent', 'The access control list (ACL)
 is invalid.')

the code looks something like:

def MySecurityAttributes():
    sa = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()

    sidEveryone = pywintypes.SID()
    sidEveryone.Initialize(SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY, 1)
    sidEveryone.SetSubAuthority(0, SECURITY_WORLD_RID)

    sidCreator = pywintypes.SID()
    sidCreator.Initialize(SECURITY_CREATOR_SID_AUTHORITY, 1)
    sidCreator.SetSubAuthority(0, SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID)

    acl = pywintypes.ACL()
    acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, sidEveryone)
    acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(FILE_ALL_ACCESS, sidCreator)

    sa.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( True, acl, False ) # bDaclPresent ...

    sa.bInheritHandle = False
    return sa

def test():
    sa = MySecurityAttributes()
    hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent( sa, True, False, None ) # raises
win32api.error 1336???

If I move the code from the body of MySecurityAttributes() inline into
test(), then it works!
So that sounds to me like there's some kind of reference counting problem in
the C code.
I've checked out the code from CVS and rebuilt PyWinTypes23.dll with debug
set breakpoints, but as far as I can tell, all looks fine upon leaving
so that suggests that some part of it gets garbage collected by the time
it reaches win32event.SetEvent, which I haven't yet started debugging.

Can anybody with more reference counting experience see where the
dangling pointer is happening?

thanks in advance,

Dale Nagata, Software Developer
Printing Workflow Solutions, Creo Inc. (Vancouver)

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