Python vs. C++ Builder - speed of development

Brandon Van Every vanevery at
Wed Jan 29 23:15:04 EST 2003

Peter Hansen wrote:
> Brandon Van Every wrote:
>> I see no primary purpose for Python's existence other than as a glue
>> language.
> I would have responded at more length, but thankfully Erik Max Francis
> posted first and pointed out the (what should have been to me)
> obvious: you're trolling.

Oh please fuck off.  Erik Max Francis has been in my killfile for a long
time.  And now you are too: I can't stand people who read someone else's
opinion and answer "You're trolling!" in order to shut it down.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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