These are discouraging stats to Perlistas & Pythonistas...

Gerrit Holl gerrit at
Thu Jan 9 16:00:36 EST 2003

Cliff Wells schreef op woensdag  8 januari om 05:53:33 +0000:
> On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 14:36, Jacob Hallen wrote:
> > An interesting thought is wether the 55 Python programmers will produce
> > more useful applications than the 2037 VB programmers.
> Perhaps the 2037 VB programmers weren't productive enough, so now
> there's 2037 more VB jobs available <wink>

Perhaps 2037 VB programmers can do with VB what 55 Python programmers
can do with Python <g> :)


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