Check for file access

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering at
Tue Jan 14 11:22:46 EST 2003

Brian Bull <bbull at> wrote:
> I am writing a daemon to monitor file uploads and mirror the files to
> another server once they have been uploaded.  The files will be
> uploaded via Windows filesharing onto my Redhat server that is running
> Samba.  How can I tell when the file is complete and is ready for
> copying? [...]

What about a very simple scheme:

The Windows server uploads the CD image with the file name FN.  Once
finished, it writes a file FN.finished

> I am using a kernel module called 'changedfiles' that alerts me when a
> file is changed. [...]

Just FYI: There's also library called FAM (File Access Monitoring) for
which Python bindings are available.

Gerhard Häring
OPUS GmbH München
Tel.: +49 89 - 889 49 7 - 32

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