it does not work again. Re: help!! getting output from another process line by line, using popen

Lao Coon laocoon at
Fri Jan 17 09:22:24 EST 2003

>> This has something to do with the way the output is returned here..
>> When you say "for line in handle" read() is called, it waits
>> until everything has been received and then returns it as a list(only
>> once). To fix it explicitly call readline() instead.
>> HTH
>> Lao
> if you mean that "handle = os.popen(cmd, 'r', 1).readlines()", it wont
> work. it waits till finish running cmd, then go to the "for loop".
> thanks anyway

No i think you misunderstood.. 

Here's the fixed

import sys, string, os

handle = os.popen("python -u", 'r')

while 1:
	line = handle.readline()
	if line == "": break
	print line,


Try this


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