Help a C++ coder see the light

Brandon Van Every vanevery at
Thu Jan 30 16:17:00 EST 2003

holger krekel wrote:
> With C++ & Java i never really
> cared that much for fine-grained tests.  It was just to
> painful

I write such tests in C++ all the time.  What's the big deal?  How are you
going to know your 3D graphics math is correct unless you actually display
it on the screen and take a look-see?  Sure, my coding progress is slow.
But it's also bug-free.  That's the fully loaded cost of development: you
can either pay less now or more later.  I agree that testing is what people
need to do, but it's a totally language-neutral solution.

> especially during refactoring.

Write a small amount of new code.  Leave the small amount of old code and
the old test alone.  You might need to go *back* to that tried-and-true
it-works it's-been-tested thing!  Only refactor something out of existence
when you're sure that you'll never need it again and it's The Correct Thing
To Do.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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