FW: Switch statements again

David K. Trudgett dkt at registriesltd.com.au
Wed Jan 15 22:30:57 EST 2003

On Wednesday 2003-01-15 at 18:21:40 -0500, Steven Scott wrote:
> Quoting Steven Scott <Steven.Scott at Synchrologic.com>:
> > 
> > If/elif/else remains the most common method.  If Python ever gains
> > something
> > like a switch statement you can bet the farm it won't have a "fall thru"
> > feature though, so the way you've coded your C switch statement wouldn't
> > work.
> > 
> but the absolute /only/ reason you'd use a switch over an if (besides
> looking better) is fall through.

Pascal has no fall though on its case statement, but presumably Wirth
thought it was still worth it. A hundred elifs in a row is just plain
ugly, anyway. Python should get a case/switch statement, just as Perl
6 is going to get one. Leaving it out of both languages to begin with
was misguided. (At least Perl has always had better ways around the
problem than Python.)

David Trudgett

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