threading module

Jive Dadson jdsdafsfad at sdfsdfa.invalid
Sat Jan 4 22:52:30 EST 2003

Aahz wrote:

> In article <3E179E26.804C267A at dfsdfssdfa.invalid>,
> Jive Dadson  <jsdfadfasfsda at dfsdfssdfa.invalid> wrote:
> >
> >Can anyone tell me who wrote the threading module?  There are some
> >aspects of it that I would like to discuss.
> Many people contributed, but Guido and Tim Peters probably did the most
> actual work.  However, bugging them privately is likely to be
> counter-productive; if you have issues that you want to bring up, this
> is the place.

"Bugging" is not the word I would have chosen. :)  I do have some questions and
suggestions.  Thanks for the response.  I understand your position, and I will
consider it carefully before I "bug".


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