Best Python Editor (under Linux)

Martin Christensen knightsofspamalot-factotum at
Fri Jan 3 14:00:25 EST 2003

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Dean <klaatu at> writes:
Mike> I downloaded Vim two or three years ago, my first experience
Mike> with a vi-based editor.  I went through its tutorial (took me
Mike> less than an hour), and was immediatly able to perform simple
Mike> text-manipulation tasks.

Yes, that tutorial is very good.

Mike> On the other hand, I decided that I should give Emacs a serious
Mike> shot.  Since a lot of people seem to like it, I figured that
Mike> there must be something there worth looking at (and I had read
Mike> about ELSE, which I still wish I could implement for Vim).  So I
Mike> went through the tutorial.  Took me an hour, and I couldn't
Mike> remember a line of it (well, I remembered a couple of the cursor
Mike> movement commands).

After reading your post I decided to check out the tutorial again,
which I haven't seen for years beyond rememberence (like, 3 or 4 or
something :-)). I was ready to reprimand you for beind a bloody luser,
but I find that you're right to some extent: the tutorial is full of
cursor movement commands that are better deferred until later. The
arrow keys, Pg{Up,Dn}, Home and End etc. are good enough that it's not
worth the intimidation of spending so much time on them. But these can
be skipped because Emacs navigation works _as you'd expect_. If I
hadn't had my mental filters in place, and if I hadn't been used to
acquiring new computer skills quickly, I'd had had the same problems
with the Vim tutorial, although I will concede that it's probably
better than the Emacs one. However, for a neophyte I'd still say that
Emacs would be easier to learn because it works more similarly to
everything else, but the hassles of the first few weeks are
insignificant compare to the power of the Force^W^W^W^Wbenefits of
long term use.


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