Pywin print w/o linefeed?

Wojtek Walczak gminick at
Wed Jan 22 08:48:27 EST 2003

Dnia 21 Jan 2003 20:09:45 GMT, Spencer Ernest Doidge napisał(a):
>>>> def go():
>         print 'hello world'
>         print 'goodbye world'
>>>> go()
> hello world
> goodbye world
> Is there some way to make Python print a string without the linefeed
> at the end? If there were <some instruction> to do that, then I could
> do this:

print 'string',
          that comma should help

[ ] gminick (at) [ ]
[ "Po prostu lubie poranna samotnosc, bo wtedy kawa smakuje najlepiej." ]

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