[ANNOUNCE] DigicaMerge v1.50

Jerome Alet alet at unice.fr
Fri Jan 10 07:01:39 EST 2003


I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability for download of
DigicaMerge v1.50.

DigicaMerge is a Python command line tool created to ease the management
and merging of directories containing digital pictures (taken with
digicams) without worrying about name clashes.

DigicaMerge is available for download under the terms of the GNU General 
Public License from :


DigicaMerge first purpose is to merge many source directories into one
destination directory, but DigicaMerge can also make interesting things 
automatically, like modify access and modification time to set
both to the date and time each picture was taken, for example.

DigicaMerge allows complete control over picture selecting and naming, by 
giving transparent access to the Exif data present in  the files as well as
some predefined variables (counters, date, time, etc...), and allows external
post-processing commands to be launched (e.g. jhead) enhancing their usage
possibilities by defining many environment variables prefixed with the
string 'DGCM' to export DigicaMerge internal state.

See below for the command line options and examples :

  digicamerge [options] srcdir1 [srcdir2 ... srcdirN] destination

options :

  -v | --version     Prints DigicaMerge's version number then exits.
  -h | --help        Prints this message then exits.
  -q | --quiet       Doesn't print progress indicator.
  -m | --mode M      Does a chmod to mode M after each file move.
                     M is in octal but may not have a leading 0,
                     for example both 644 and 0644 work.
  -p | --pattern P   Uses pattern P to select the files to move to
                     the destination directory.
                     P default value is "*.jpg" which is convenient
                     for most cases.
  -s | --scheme S    Defines the naming scheme for the files created in
                     the destination directory. The default naming
                     scheme is "dscf%(count1)04i.jpg" which matches my
                     digital camera default naming scheme. 
                     You can currently use the following named formats,
                     which are all strings except count0 and count1 
                     which are integers :
                       count0  : file number beginning at 0
                       count1  : file number beginning at 1
                       date    : date at which the picture was taken in
                                 the YYYYMMDD format.
                       isodate : same as above but in ISO8601 format,       
                                 i.e. YYYY-MM-DD
                       year    : year in YYYY format          
                       month   : month in MM format
                       day     : day in DD format
                       hour    : hour in hh format
                       minute  : minute in mm format 
                       second  : second in ss format
                       time    : time in hhmmss format
                     You can also use all recognized Exif Tags, like  
                     ExposureProgram or ExifImageHeight for example.
                     A naming scheme MUST contain either %(count0) or         
                     %(count1) to avoid duplicate file names.
                     The default naming scheme produces file names like :
                     Look at the Python language string formatting 
                     capabilities to learn how to create your own 
                     naming scheme.
  -c | --command C   Launches command C on each picture *after* each picture
                     move, but *before* the access and modification date and
                     time or access mode are modified. The C command can use 
                     environment variables to access to the predefined values 
                     discussed above, as well as to each Exif tag. All are 
                     available under the names listed above prefixed with DGCM,
                     like DGCMcount1 or DGCMExposureProgram.
                     Several additional variables are also defined :
                                DGCMsrcname : Complete source filename
                                DGCMdstname : Complete destination filename
                                 DGCMsrcdir : Source directory
                                 DGCMdstdir : Destination directory
                                DGCMsrcbase : Source basename
                                DGCMdstbase : Destination basename
                              DGCMsrcprefix : Source basename's prefix 
                              DGCMdstprefix : Destination basename's prefix
                                 DGCMsrcext : Source extension
                                 DGCMdstext : Destination extension
  -t | --touch       Modifies the file access and modification times according                     
                     to the date the picture was taken, as stated in the 
                     DateTime Exif tag.
examples :                              

  $ digicamerge --scheme "%(date)s-%(count0)i.jpeg" christmas newyear 2002end
  This will create a new directory named 2002end, and move all *.jpg pictures
  from the christmas and newyear directories into 2002end, renaming each file
  with the date at which the picture was taken followed by a number beginning 
  at 0, e.g. : 20021225-45.jpeg
  $ digicamerge pics renumbered
  This will put all the pictures present in the pics directory into 
  the renumbered directory. Each picture will be renumbered so that no 
  numbering hole will exist anymore (numbering holes might have been 
  created if you deleted some pictures from the pics directory) 
  $ digicamerge -c "jhead -st ~/thumbnails/\$DGCMdstname \$DGCMdstname" xmas xmas2
  This will do like the previous example, but thumbnails will be extracted 
  from each picture using the jhead command and will be put into the 
  ~/thumbnails/xmas2 directory under the same (possibly new) names.
  NB : Don't forget to escape the variable names with an antislash
       if you need to, otherwise they may come undefined !

  $ digicamerge --touch --scheme "%(Model)s-%(ExifImageWidth)sx%(ExifImageHeight)s-%(count1)04i.jpg" birthday mybirthday

  This will put all the pictures present in the birthday directory into
  the mybirthday directory. Each file will be renamed with a name which 
  looks like (for my digital camera) : FinePix S304-2048x1536-0001.jpg
  and the access and modification time of the picture files will be
  set to the date and time at which each picture was taken.

Hoping that someone will find this software useful, please send any
comment or bug report to : alet at librelogiciel.com

Thank you for reading

Jerome Alet

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