Sample Web application (Re: Python vs PHP)
Paul Rubin
Wed Jul 9 18:24:40 EDT 2003
"A.M. Kuchling" <amk at> writes:
> The Java Pet Store was suggested, but it was pointed out that it's a very
> large application, requiring too much effort for an author to do in their
> spare time.
Heh, the point of doing it in Python is it should take much less time
than doing it in Java :).
> * Should be implementable in a few evenings
> * Should exercise a reasonable set of features.
> * HTML generation (duh!)
> * Accepting a form
Accepting a very long form (i.e. megabytes of POST data)
> * Returning non-HTML files (generating a GIF, say)
> * Sessions
> * Uploading a file
> * RDBMS access? (That's more a function of the DB-API module you're
> using, but a framework might provide support for pooling
> connections or something similar.)
Yes, this should be included, lack of a standard DB API module is a
serious Python deficiency and any DB-using app needs to work around
the deficiency somehow.
> * Other suggestions?
> Possibilities:
> * A Wiki?
> * A multiple-user weblog?
> * A Slashdot-like discussion board?
> * A simple content manager -- upload files, set permissions on them,
> control access to them, and download them again.
> * A simple browse-a-catalog-and-buy-things store?
> * Other suggestions?
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