John Machin
sjmachin at
Thu Jul 17 16:25:31 EDT 2003
Gerhard Häring <gh at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1058448423.25466.python-list at>...
> Jacek Potrymaj o wrote:
> > I installed this version of python software, but when I
> > try to install software which use Python I have an error - incorrect ve
> rsion
> > of python.dll is installed. [...]
> Is that the exact error message you get? If not, please tell us the
> exact error message.
> You wonder why I don't believe that this is the exact error message?
> There is no such thing as a python.dll on Windows. The Python DLLs
> always carry the major and minor version numbers, like python21.dll or
> python22.dll.
Gerhard is correct, as far back as Python 1.5 (determined by searching
for python*.dll on my machine). Jacek, ignore any suggestions to the
contrary. Not sure what's going on there; either (a) inappropriate use
of the time machine or (b) bot rot or (c) the bot has been hacked ...
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