Which Python Book
Steve Pinard
sNO_SPAMpinard at zoominternet.net
Mon Jul 14 20:08:12 EDT 2003
I have not looked at the Python Cookbook, but I'm reading the Nutshell book
now (being new to Python myself). The Nutshell book appears to be an
excellent reference that you might want to have on your bookshelf. However,
as a learning resource, I wouldn't recommend it. I believe it falls into
the "Greek" category. It delves into how Python does what it does, and that
can be very enlightening. It is not necessary, however, to learn and start
using the language.
Having said that, there are a couple of FREE resources that I would
recommend for learning the language.
1) The Python Tutorial, which comes with the Python download itself, or can
be accessed online at www.python.org
2) Dive Into Python (www.diveintopython.org). Mark Pilgrim does an
excellent job of showing real working code, then picking apart a line at a
time to show what's going on. Perhaps the best part is extensive
cross-reference for further reading. I particularly like this style of
Now, having said that, the combination of the free stuff with the Nutshell
book might just a unbeatable.
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