Threading Pool Event()
Graeme Matthew
gsmatthew at
Fri Jul 18 23:55:44 EDT 2003
ok so code like this is perfectly safe
def run(self):
while 1:
job = queue.get()
"Cliff Wells" <clifford.wells at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1058582130.2101.python-list at
> On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 18:29, Graeme Matthew wrote:
> > ok still a bit confused sorry .... first attempt at a thread pool
> >
> > Am I correct in saying that each thread runs in a continious loop
> Yes.
> > each thread calls queue.get. The get method will block and not return
> > anything until an item is placed into it. When an item is placed into
> > it, one of the threads will get assinged a job i.e the first one that
> > happens to be in use during the cycle ?
> I think you have the idea, but I'm not sure (your terminology escapes me
> a bit toward the end). What happens is each thread blocks waiting for
> something to be placed on the queue. When something is put on the
> queue, one of the available threads (i.e. one that is blocking on
> queue.get() rather than processing a job). Only a single thread will be
> woken for each item that is put on the queue. It isn't knowable which
> thread that will be.
> > The job is returned to the thread, it runs with the job and does all
> > the processing then returns and calls queue.get again and waits for a
> > job to become available ?
> Yes.
> > When placing a job via Queue.put() one must acquire a lock place it
> > and then release it
> No. The locking semantics are internal to the Queue object. Do not
> concern yourself with it. It simply works. Do not attempt to put locks
> around it.
> > Am i aslo correct in saying that queue is actually doing the blocking
> > and controls which thread gets the job ?
> In a sense (that is, for practical purposes). How it is done internally
> by the interpreter isn't important.
> > Lastly, sorry for all the questions, surely the CPU usage is the same
> > when the queue is waiting for jobs and when the threads are polling as
> > theyre all in one process anyway
> The threads are asleep while waiting. They don't consume any CPU. The
> queue doesn't "wait" for jobs (that is, it doesn't loop, poll or
> otherwise consume any CPU time), when you call queue.put() it is a
> method call on an object, not a thread.
> > Am i getting this or am i way off :-)
> Just a little way off ;)
> Regards,
> Cliff
> --
> My only regret is that I ever was born
> -Swans
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