How to disable output messages of the child process, in spawnv( )?
Donn Cave
donn at
Thu Jul 24 11:13:35 EDT 2003
Quoth nushin2 at (nushin):
| Is there any trick to disable the output of a child process spawned by
| spawnv( ) API?
| I believe in Python and i am sure there's a way around it. Correct me
| if i am wrong.
You believe in tricks, is the problem. Read what people are telling you.
You can redirect output of a command, you can do it Python, but the only
way to do it in spawnv is to make spawnv execute a shell command.
Donn Cave, donn at
| grante at (Grant Edwards) wrote in message news:<3f1eddc9$0$160$a1866201 at>...
|> In article <db3b6d24.0307231050.74d41e66 at>, nushin wrote:
|> > I'd like to disable the output of the process spawned by spawnv( )
|> > API, but the catch is that i *have to* see the output of the parent
|> > process making the spawnv( ) call. Has anyone done that? I have some
|> > pointers that by using dup2( ) API i might be able to do that, any
|> > ideas how? Also, i have to spawn as an asynch call, using P_NOWAIT,
|> > e.g.,:
|> >
|> > os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,'/usr/bin/python',('python',''),('>/dev/null &'))
|> Nope.
|> The ">" and "&" are things that a shell (like bash or ksh)
|> handles. The python interpreter has no idea what to do with
|> them. If you want to use ">" and "&", then spawn a shell, and
|> pass it a command to run the python program with output
|> redirected.
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