getting a submatrix of all true
Scott David Daniels
scott.daniels at
Sun Jul 6 02:10:58 EDT 2003
Folllowing Bengt and anton at (Anton Vredegoor)'s leads,
the following code can be fast (at times). It is quite sensitive to the
probability of non-zeroness, (.01 works well, the .o5 is nowhere near so
I get 2.25 min to do 25 x 25 at .05
2.75 min to do 30 x 30 at .05
It gets slow _very_ fast, but gets good numbers if the probability is low
.25 min to do 45 x 45 at .01
1.5 min to do 50 x 50 at .01
-Scott David Daniels
Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org (not fully back up yet, though).
Here's the code:
__version__ = '0.3'
assert list(enumerate('ab')) == [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b')]
except NameError:
def enumerate(iterable):
# Not exact, but close enough
lst = list(iterable)
return zip(range(len(lst)), lst)
def bitcount(row):
'''Return the number of on bits in the integer argsA'''
assert row >= 0
result = 0
while row:
result += 1
lsbit = row & -row
row ^= lsbit
return result
def rowencode(vector):
'''convert from a buncha numbers to a bit-representation'''
bit = 1L
result = 0
for element in vector:
if element:
result |= bit
bit <<= 1
return result
def rowdecode(value, mask=-1):
'''convert from a bit-rep to a buncha numbers (at least as long as mask)'''
if mask < 0: mask = value
assert value >= 0
result = []
while mask or value:
result.append(value & 1)
mask >>= 1
value >>= 1
return result
class Answer(object):
'''An answer represents a result calculation.'''
__slots__ = 'rows', 'colmask', '_score'
totalrequests = 0
totalcalcs = 0
def __init__(self, colmask, rows):
'''The columns in colmask are the ones we keep.'''
self.colmask = colmask
self.rows = rows
self._score = None
def score(self):
'''Calculate the score lazily'''
self.__class__.totalrequests += 1
if self._score is None:
self.__class__.totalcalcs += 1
self._score = bitcount(self.colmask) * len(self.rows)
return self._score
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%d:%s, %x):%s' % (self.__class__.__name__,
len(self.rows), self.rows,
self.colmask, self._score)
totalcalls = 0
def choose(rows, keepcols, N=0, keeprows=None):
'''Choose rows and columns to keep. Return an Answer for the choice'''
global totalcalls
totalcalls += 1
if keeprows is None:
keeprows = []
while 0 == rows[N] & keepcols:
N += 1
except IndexError:
return Answer(keepcols, keeprows)
# a difference: some kept columns in this row are non-0
# must drop either those columns or this row
# Calculate result if we keep this row (drop problem columns)
withrow = choose(rows, keepcols & ~rows[N], N+1, keeprows + [N])
# Calculate result if we drop this row
skiprow = choose(rows, keepcols, N+1, keeprows)
# Choose the better answer (keep the row if everything is equal).
if (withrow.colmask == skiprow.colmask
or withrow.score() >= skiprow.score()):
return withrow
return skiprow
# The data used from the example
X = [ [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0] ]
def printrep(row, symbols, mask=0):
'''A row representing a single row (column-masked by mask)'''
assert mask >= 0
result = []
for element in row:
result.append(symbols[(1 & mask) * 2 + (element != 0)])
mask >>= 1
assert mask == 0 # mask doesn't extend beyond data.
return ''.join(result)
def printanswer(data, rows, keepcols):
'''Print the represented row'''
toohuge = len(data)
rowqueue = rows + [toohuge]
nextrow = rowqueue.pop()
for rownumber, row in enumerate(data):
if nextrow > rownumber:
# This row was zapped
print '#', printrep(row, '01OI', keepcols)
assert rownumber == nextrow # This row was kept
nextrow = rowqueue.pop()
print '_', printrep(row, '01~@', keepcols)
assert nextrow == toohuge and not rowqueue
def getanswer(data):
'''Calculate the best-cut for a particular matrix'''
columns = max([len(row) for row in data])
rowdata = [rowencode(row) for row in data]
return choose(rowdata, (1L << columns) - 1)
def main(data=X):
global totalcalls
totalcalls = 0
answer = getanswer(data)
print 'Requested: %s, Calculated: %s,' % (
Answer.totalrequests, Answer.totalcalcs),
print 'answer: %r,' % answer,
print 'Score: %s' % answer.score()
print 'Total choose calls required: %s' % totalcalls
printanswer(data, answer.rows, answer.colmask)
def rangen(rows, columns, probability=0.05):
'''create a rows by columns data table with 1s at the given probability'''
import random
result = []
for row in range(rows):
result.append([int(random.random() < probability)
for column in range(columns)])
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
assert getanswer([[0]]).score() == 1
assert getanswer([[0,1], [1,0]]).score() == 1
assert getanswer([[0,1,0], [1,0,0]]).score() == 2
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
args = sys.argv[1:]
if '.' in args[-1]:
assert len(args) > 1
probability = float(args.pop())
probability = .2
rows = int(args[0])
if len(args) == 1:
cols = rows
assert len(args) == 2
cols = int(args[1])
main(rangen(rows, cols, probability))
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