Python vs PHP
Ganesan R
rganesan at
Thu Jul 10 05:49:20 EDT 2003
>>>>> "Max" == Max M <maxm at> writes:
> Afanasiy wrote:
>> Python web development is fragmented.
> Ahem ... How os Python web development fragmented? Most of it probably
> takes place in the Zope world.
How about the fact if you want something simpler than Zope you cannot point
to a single framework and say use this one? I must admit that I haven't
actually worked with any of the web development kits. As a casual observer
and a (mostly) lurker in this news group web development does appear to be a
bit fragmented.
I agree this is the case in the Python GUI world too. However, at least I
get the impression that wxPython, PyQT and PyGtk all are reasonably good
choices. I don't think you can say that for web development. At least not
Ganesan R (rganesan at debian dot org) |
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