mixin class
Michele Simionato
mis6 at pitt.edu
Mon Jul 28 17:55:48 EDT 2003
Udo Gleich <udo.gleich at web.de> wrote in message news:<3F24F8D2.E1ADFB08 at web.de>...
> Hi,
> I try to implement mixin classes. Thats why I
> need to make a new class at runtime.
> --tmp.py-------------------------------------
> import new
> class K1(object):
> pass
> class K2(object):
> pass
> mixed = new.classobj("K1_K2", (K1, K1), {})
> new_instance = new.instance(mixed, {})
> print new_instance
> ---------------------------------------------
> Making a new instance from the new class works
> only if K1 is not derived from object. If I use
> new style classes I get the following traceback:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "tmp.py", line 10, in ?
> new_instance = new.instance(mixed, {})
> TypeError: instance() argument 1 must be class, not type
> I use Python 2.2.3 and Win2000.
> My question: How do I implement mixin classes
> with new style classes?
> Thanks,
> Udo
Why not simply
class K1(object):
class K2(object):
mixed = type("K1_K2", (K1, K1), {})
new_instance = mixed()
print new_instance
"type" is described in http://www.python.org/2.2.3/descrintro.html
(in one line very easy to miss ;)
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