python mode problem in emacs
John Hunter
jdhunter at
Thu Jul 10 22:49:48 EDT 2003
>>>>> "pygeek" == pygeek <member32992 at> writes:
pygeek> Hi everyone. I've just installed emacs 21.3.1 on my WinXP
pygeek> machine. I wanted to switch to Python mode then realized
pygeek> that my emacs lacked the 'python-mode.el' file. After
pygeek> downloading from and byte-compiling the file, I
pygeek> went on to look for the file '.emacs' or 'emacs.el' to
pygeek> include a few lines of command so that emacs would load
pygeek> python-mode. I looked through and searched my hard drive,
pygeek> and there wasn't such a file by the name '.emacs' or
pygeek> 'emacs.el'. What's going on here? Where are the files?
pygeek> Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to do it is to put your .emacs in C:\ (or $HOME if you
have set that environment variable). By default, on windows, emacs
will look in $HOME and then C:\\
On win32, I usually put python-mode.el in the site-list dir of the
emacs distribution, then make a minimal .emacs which includes, among
other essentials
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist))
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