command line (WinXP)
Egor Bolonev
ebolonev at
Sat Jul 5 22:04:44 EDT 2003
Hello, All!
I have made a module(see below) and have discovered a strange behaviour in
comand line mode:
=========Beginning of the citation==============
C:\...y Music\Katatonia\Last Fair Deal Gone Down>dir "/p"
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0C80-479F
Directory of C:\
File Not Found
=========The end of the citation================
When I use _dir /p_ everything is OK.
=========Beginning of the citation==============
C:\...y Music\Katatonia\Last Fair Deal Gone Down>dir /p
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0C80-479F
Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\rc\My Documents\My
Music\Katatonia\Last Fair Deal Gone Down
06.07.2003 09:42 <DIR> .
06.07.2003 09:42 <DIR> ..
05.07.2003 10:17 1 801 345 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
06.07.2003 09:25 1 577 448 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]Clean Toda
05.07.2003 10:19 1 921 208 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
06.07.2003 09:27 1 972 274 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]Don`t Tell
A Soul[-+mark+-]11[-+mark+-]2001[-+mark+-]Metal.ogg
06.07.2003 09:32 2 007 636 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]I Transpir
06.07.2003 09:33 1 269 293 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]Passing Bi
06.07.2003 09:35 1 343 946 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]Sweet Nurs
05.07.2003 10:20 1 180 590 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
06.07.2003 09:36 1 845 629 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone D
own[-+mark+-]The Future
Of Speech[-+mark+-]8[-+mark+-]2001[-+mark+-]Metal.ogg
06.07.2003 09:37 1 399 310 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
05.07.2003 10:21 914 480 Katatonia[-+mark+-]Last Fair Deal Gone
Down[-+mark+-]We Must Bu
ry You[-+mark+-]3[-+mark+-]2001[-+mark+-]Metal.ogg
11 File(s) 17 233 159 bytes
2 Dir(s) 14 596 743 168 bytes free
=========The end of the citation================
So, why _dir /p_ and _dir "/p"_ work not identically? Whereas _ren 1 2_ and
_ren "1" "2"_ work identically.
_The module:_
=========Beginning of the citation==============
from os import system
#example cmd='copy',args=['c:\\1.txt','1-2 3.txt']
#= os.system('copy' + ' \"' + 'c:\\1.txt' + '\"' + ' \"' + 'c:\\1.txt')
#=copy "c:\1.txt" "1-2 3.txt"
def myossystem(cmd,args=[]):
for i in args:
cmd=cmd+' \"'+i+'\"'
if __name__ == '__main__':
myossystem('dir', ['/p'])
#while 1:pass
=========The end of the citation================
With best regards, Egor Bolonev. E-mail: ebolonev at [ru eo en]
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