RELEASED Python 2.3 (final)

Alan Kennedy alanmk at
Thu Jul 31 06:07:46 EDT 2003

[Carl Banks]
> Am I the only person to say "kudoi to everyone"?

I've never heard anyone say "kudoi". But I suppose it's all about
whether you consider "kudos" to be singular or plural. If it's
singular, then "kudoi" is the only correct (Greek) plural of the
(Greek) singular "kudos".

So all of those Americans who seem intent on turning "kudos" into the
plural of "kudo" (which does not exist, yet) should heed your advice

But, of course, the main point of the whole thread is to confer kudos,
i.e. "acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement", on the Python
Development Team.

Thanks People!


alan kennedy
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