Which Python Book

hokiegal99 hokiegal99 at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 14 19:51:28 EDT 2003

I have an option, I can buy either O'reilly's "Python in a Nutshell" or 
"Python Cookbook", but not both. Which book is better? I'm leaning 
toward "Python Cookbook" right now, as it seems more applied. A college 
professor once told me that Romans liked to build roads while Greeks 
liked to talk about *how* to build roads. I'm more of a Roman than a Greek.

I've found that I learn better when I look at actual programs written to 
solve problems, instead of abstract, theorhetical code that could be 
used to solve problems. I guess it would be best if I could take the 
abstract, theorhectical code and apply it to real-world problems, but 
that's a bit of a leap for me... don't get me wrong, I can do it, but it 
takes me longer than it does if I've already seen the code applied in a 
practical fashion.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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