RELEASED Python 2.3 (final)

Ben Finney bignose-hates-spam at
Thu Jul 31 07:31:24 EDT 2003

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:09:09 +0100, Robin Becker wrote:
> 1) SyntaxWarning: assignment to None
>    eg for None, name in colorNamePairs:
>    what is the preferred way to do this nowadays? It's fairly
>    trivial to go through and change these to for notUsed, x in ....
>    but is there a nicer way.

Seems nice enough.  You'll only be able to assign to a mutable object
anyway; None is not mutable, and will soon be a keyword.  Define (or
just go ahead and use) your own not_used name.

> 2) FutureWarning: hex/oct constants > sys.maxint will return positive  
>    values in Python 2.4 and up
>    eg self.assertEquals(ttf.read_ulong(), 0x81020304) # big-endian
>    Is there no way to preserve the clarity of the above in future?

Declare large positive constants as being longs:

    >>> foo = 0xFFFFFFFF
    <stdin>:1: FutureWarning: hex/oct constants > sys.maxint will return positive values in Python 2.4 and up
    >>> foo

    >>> foo = 0xFFFFFFFFL
    >>> foo

You probably want the numbers to behave as positive anyway.

>    The same applies to
>    FutureWarning: x<<y losing bits or changing sign will return a long 
>    in Python 2.4 and up
>    eg sum = (hi << 16) | (lo & 0xFFFF)

Same answer applies too:

    >>> hi = 0xDEAD
    >>> lo = 0xBEEF
    >>> sum = ( hi << 16 ) | ( lo & 0xFFFF )
    __main__:1: FutureWarning: x<<y losing bits or changing sign will return a long in Python 2.4 and up>>> sum

    >>> hi = 0xDEADL
    >>> lo = 0xBEEFL
    >>> sum = ( hi << 16 ) | ( lo & 0xFFFF )
    >>> sum

If you want to deal consistently (across Python versions) with numbers
larger than sys.maxint, whether decimal, hex or octal, ensure you set
them up as longs to begin with.

> Is Python moving away from the machinery?

I don't see why not; fiddling with low-level bits is pretty
architecture-dependent, as these hacks show.  If you want C, you know
where to find it.

> Are there efficient recipes for doing these 32 bit operations?

Hopefully you'll agree the solutions I've presented are just as
"efficient", even if they expose the bit-fiddling hackery somewhat more.

> Certainly cut and paste to and from java/c/c++ will be a lot harder.

I've never known that to be a priority for Python.

 \     "I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So |
  `\        I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."  -- Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney <>

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