Problems automating Sigmaplot via COM

Axel Kowald kowald at
Sun Jul 27 06:20:56 EDT 2003

Hi everybody,

I try to use python2.2 to automate Sigmaplot 8 via the COM interface.
I can fill data into a worksheet, but have problems to create a graph
When I use the CreateGraphWizard method I always get the error

"com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (65535, 'SigmaPlot
8.0', 'Invalid error bar source argument.', None, 0, 0), None)"

However, the type of graph I'm trying to create doesn't have error

Any idea what's going wrong?

Many thanks,

             Axel Kowald

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Simple example how to create a Sigmaplot diagram automatically.
# 7.2003  A.Kowald
from win32com.client import Dispatch

app = Dispatch("SigmaPlot.Application")
app.Width  = 800     # desired width & height of main window
app.Height = 600
app.Visible = True
# create notebook and automatically one section with worksheet

# the NotebookItems of the "ActiveDocument" (Notebook) have now 3
print app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems.Count
# Item 0 (ItemType 7) = The notebook itself
# Item 1 (ItemType 3) = Section 1
# Item 2 (ItemType 1) = Data 1 in Section 1
# Lets name them, so we can refer to them by name.
app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems(0).Name = "MyBook"
app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems(1).Name = "MySection"
app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems(2).Name = "MyData"
app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems.Add(2)                 # Add graphic
app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems(3).Name = "MyGraph"
dataTab = app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems("MyData").DataTable

# 3 methods are available for data manipulation:
# Cell(x,y,value)    0 based
# PutData(1D/2Darray, left,top)
# 1D/2Darray = GetData(left,top,right,bottom)
dataTab.Cell(0,0,17)       # puts 17 in the top left corner
d = [[1,2,3],[2,4,6]]      # col1 = 1,2,3   col2 = 2,4,6
rect = dataTab.GetData(0,0,2,2)    # Get 3x3 tuple

# Adding column names (name,left,top,width,height=-1)

# Now lets plot the data
graphPage = app.ActiveDocument.NotebookItems("MyGraph")
graphPage.CreateWizardGraph("Vertical Bar Chart","Simple Bar","XY

#app.Quit   # stop COM server

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