Replacing rexec

Michael Hudson mwh at
Thu Jul 17 09:27:52 EDT 2003

jjl at (John J. Lee) writes:

> Isn't it true that the only solution to a program taking up too much
> of a system's resources is to cap its resource usage, or stop it
> running?  Usually, it's the OSs job to do that (which you might view
> as almost the definition of an OS, perhaps) -- is that a bad thing?

I wouldn't say so, and in some circumstances you can use the OS to
limit the other sorts of damage a rogue script can do (chroot(),
jail(), whatever).  If I had to worry about these sorts of things
(which I don't), this would probably be the first place I'd look.


  ... when all the programmes on all the channels actually were made
  by actors with cleft pallettes speaking lines by dyslexic writers
  filmed by blind cameramen instead of merely seeming like that, it
  somehow made the whole thing more worthwhile.   -- HHGTG, Episode 11

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