Building Python - how to set include and lib paths?

Lack Mr G M gml4410 at
Fri Jul 4 10:21:50 EDT 2003

In article <mailman.1057262346.30857.python-list at>, Curly Joe <woooee at> writes:
|> Lack Mr G M wrote (snipped):
|> I'm trying to build (compile and link) Python2.2.3,
|> However, I need to indicate where it can find various
|> library and header files for other extensions which I
|> have already built (things like ssl etc.).
|> There are two simple ways that I know of:
|> 1 - add it to, and export the PYTHONPATH variable -
|> mine is in ~/.bash_profile on a Gentoo Linux box. 
|> Your shell and/or profile file name may be different.
|> 2 - probably not what you want, but
|> .../python/site_python should be in your PYTHONPATH
|> and so you could place you programs there.

   No - that's not the problem.  I know I can set that up for pyhton
modules at run time.  My problem occurs when I am *building* python
itself.  There seem to be no way that I can tell it where to look for
header files and libraries for other packages/utilities (eg: SSL) that I
have previously installed or how to add these to compilation and linking
options..  It hard-wires /usr/local/{include,lib} for these. 

--------- Gordon Lack --------------- gml4410 at  ------------
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to reflect those of my employer, or anyone else.

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