Portability of Python (VS.Net, Java etc.)

Matt Gerrans mgerrans at mindspring.com
Thu Jul 31 03:35:28 EDT 2003

"Dave Kuhlman" wrote:
> Of the two frameworks mentioned (MS .Net and Java) we already have
> Python in Java.  So, before doing Python in/on MS .Net it would be
> worthwhile to ask whether Python in Java (Jython) has succeeded.

That's overly simplistic, I think.   Whether or not Jython was "a success"
on the JVM has little to do with whether it is worthwhile on the CLR.   In
fact, when Guido first began Python proper, I don't think he was too
concerned with whether it would be "a success" -- I think he just wanted to
create a useful tool.

> Ask yourself this question:  Would a consultant or contractor who
> had no ideological commitment to Python (which I do) choose to work
> in Jython over Java, and why?

Yes, there are many *pragmatic* reasons to use Python, ideology aside.  At
the very least, Jython is a great way to experiment with Java APIs and learn
them quickly.

> One additional consideration is that a consultant/contractor can
> bill more hours if Java is used than they can if Python/Jython is
> used, because development in Java is slower than development in
> Python.  So, why would the consultant/contractor choose Python over
> Java?

This is a silly stereotype.   Any consultant/contractor who looks at things
this way is a charlatan and should be booted (to the head, no less) at the
earliest opportunity.   I have only met one consultant who created such bad
work that it seemed like he was playing the "job security" game -- and after
spending much time trying to disentangle his code, I concluded it was simply
incompetence, not intentional malevolence.

Having been a consultant/contractor for nearly a decade now, I can tell you
that I am always happy to maximize my productivity.   There is never any
shortage of work to do, even when you get a project done in half the time
with better than expected quality.

I am working on a .Net project now and if I could do some or all of the code
in Python, I would.    Instead, I'm using C#, which I like more than Java,
but less than Python.   There are already a wealth of good libraries
available in .Net that would make the Python-on-.Net combination very
effective and useful.

- Matt

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