Which Python Book
David Mertz
mertz at gnosis.cx
Mon Jul 14 21:57:32 EDT 2003
hokiegal99 <hokiegal99 at hotmail.com> wrote previously:
|I have an option, I can buy either O'reilly's "Python in a Nutshell" or
|"Python Cookbook", but not both.
|I've found that I learn better when I look at actual programs written to
|solve problems, instead of abstract, theorhetical code that could be
|used to solve problems. I guess it would be best if I could take the
|abstract, theorhectical code and apply it to real-world problems, but
|that's a bit of a leap for me...
You might find that my recently released book is somewhere in between
the approaches of the above two books. More code samples (and
specifically more "real world" code) than _Nutshell_, but a bit more
theoretical than _Cookbook_. Both of Alex's books, however, are
extremely excellent; you can't go far wrong with those.
Of course, my title is _Text Processing in Python_, and the title does
not lie about the book's focus. But then, almost everything *I* do is
some kind of text processing; YMMV.
In any case, you are welcome to read the entire book for free at its
website and/or buy a copy printed onto dead trees:
Yours, David...
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