Python Mystery Theatre -- Episode 3: Extend this

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Tue Jul 22 07:45:24 EDT 2003

Quoth Raymond Hettinger:
> Let me know if you learned something new along the way.
> ACT IV ---------------------
> pets = list('cat ')
> pets += 'dog '
> pets.extend('fish ')
> print pets + 'python'

This one was new to me -- I was shocked and amazed to learn that
list.__iadd__, unlike list.__add__, accepts arbitrary iterables.

> ACT VI -----------------------------------------
> print "What is the technical name for this algorithm or transformation?"

Heh.  Nice one.

The technical name is "the identity transformation".

Steven Taschuk                               staschuk at
"What I find most baffling about that song is that it was not a hit."
                                          -- Tony Dylan Davis (CKUA)

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