[OT] sentances with two meanings

John J. Lee jjl at pobox.com
Tue Jul 15 17:49:12 EDT 2003

Syver Enstad <syver-en+usenet at online.no> writes:
> Does "to know" in english also mean to feel someone? In my own language
> the direct translation of the english know also means to feel. I could
> say (translated) "I know the cold", meaning I feel the cold
> weather. 

There's a similar meaning in English.  Isn't used often, probably
because it implies some kind of seriousness, usually as "to know <some
emotion>".  "I know the cold" works, but it'd sound like you were
about to tell us that you did 30 years hard labour in Siberia (OK, not
necessarily *quite* that extreme ;-).  Or maybe it sounds serious
because it isn't used often <0.5 wink>.

Not usually used about people, though, because "to know <some person>"
in a context which implies anything other than the everyday meaning is
associated with "the biblical sense" (which is almost an idiomatic
phrase in itself!).

How the hell did nature sneak all this subtlety of English usage into
my brain without me noticing it?

making-a-link-with-Python-would-be-easy-but-pointless-ly y'rs,


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