anything like C++ references?

Andrew Dalke adalke at
Mon Jul 14 12:28:38 EDT 2003

Moshe Zadka:
> In computer science, the theoretical model one first learns is a turing
> machine. Turing machines have no variables or values, merely tapes.

Actually, we started off with state machine, then worked our way though
DFA/NFA, PDA, etc., ending up with a TM.  I remember being intrigued
that the way we learned these was in opposite order to they way they
were first researched.

Can anyone suggest why?  My thought was that mathematicians
like generalizing, so the most general models were pondered first.
Only as people started to experiment with variations, and with actual
computer hardware to back them up, did people start thinking about
more limited cases.

                    dalke at

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