How to crash Python in 1 easy step (python 2.2.2)
Cliff Wells
LogiplexSoftware at
Tue Jul 15 14:24:30 EDT 2003
On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 03:17, Gavrie Philipson wrote:
> pwmiller1 at (Paul Miller) wrote in message news:<2e363c08.0307130944.4c470bc3 at>...
> > I'm not sure if this is a python bug or a bug in an associated
> > library, and I'm not even sure how to correctly report it, but here is
> > Anytime python is accepting keyboard input, whether it's with
> > raw_input, or sitting on the command line waiting for the user to type
> > code, you can crash python by holding ctrl+shift and then pressing
> > enter.
> >
> > This is on a RedHat 9.0 system running on an Athlon 600. Basically
> > everything about the system is standard except for what's been updated
> > by RedHat itself. If anyone who has the time and ability to track
> > down this bug needs more information, please email me.
> I'm seeing the same effect on RH9, using KDE's "konsole" terminal
> emulator.
> When pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter, it actually sends the ^[OM characters
> (Escape, O, M).
> Manually sending the key sequence Esc-O-something also crashes Python.
Yep, here (RH9, Py2.2.2) it is as well under gnome-terminal (sending
Esc-O-M). I'm amazed no one saw it sooner <wink>.
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 (800) 735-0555
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