Win32 Extensions: problem with ADO.Command.Execute() options

Jason R. Coombs jaraco at
Wed Jul 2 11:52:16 EDT 2003

I'm hoping this is a coding error on my part, but I've encountered a problem with parameters that I cannot understand.  Perhaps someone out there might be willing to assist me with some suggestions.

First, here is some VB code that correctly does what I want to do:

--------------------------- begin cmdtest.vbs
Dim cn
Dim rs
Dim cmd

Set cn = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
cn.Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Environmental Monitoring;Integrated Security=SSPI" )

Set rs = CreateObject( "ADODB.Stream" )

Set cmd = CreateObject( "ADODB.Command" )

cmd.ActiveConnection = cn          
cmd.Properties("Output Stream").Value = rs
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sources] for XML AUTO"

cmd.Execute , , 1024 'adExecuteStream

rs.Position = 0
WScript.Echo rs.ReadText()
--------------------------- end cmdtest.vbs

Here is partial output I get:
C:\>cscript cmdtest.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

<Sources ID="1" Name="South Asia" Type="7"/><Sources ID="2" Name="Japan" Type="2"/>...

Now, if I attempt to do the same thing in python, it returns no output.
------------------------- begin
import ADO, sys

cn = ADO.Connection()
cn.Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Environmental Monitoring;Integrated Security=SSPI" )

rs = ADO.Stream()

cmd = ADO.Command()

cmd.ActiveConnection = cn          
cmd.Properties("Output Stream").Value = rs
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sources] for XML AUTO"

cmd.Execute( Options = ADO.constants.adExecuteStream )

rs.Position = 0
sys.stdout.write( rs.ReadText() ) # prints nothing
------------------------- end

If I pass no parameters to cmd.Execute in the VBScript verison, I get no output.  Other tests have further led me to conclude that the constant value 1024 is not being properly passed to ADO.Command.Execute in the Python version only.

Here are some other points of information:
  a.. Using the literal 1024 in the Python code instead of the constant reference make no difference.
  b.. The VBScript code does not recognize adExecuteStream by name.
  c.. Using win32com.client.Dispatch( 'ADODB.*' ) to create the objects (instead of created from make PY) yields the same results.
  d.. Using a different PROVIDER in the connection (such as SQLXMLOLEDB) will yield different results, but still indicates that the 'adExecuteStream' is not being set proprly.
  e.. I'm using "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library" for the ADO.  I've tried using v2.5, but get identical results.
  f.. The first parameter to ADO.Command.Execute appears to be an [out] parameter, but the documentation is confusing and I haven't seen the first parameter used anywhere.

Any insight into this problem would be most appreciated.

Jason R. Coombs
Sandia National Laboratories
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