Problems retrieving items from a list using a reference rather than an integer - can you help?
lol at
Thu Jul 17 16:57:13 EDT 2003
As I put in my reply to your personal email - I asked in the python ng for
help with a python program I was writing NOT an opinion on what I was
Not replying to the post would have been better than you pushing your
opinions on others when not asked.
When I posted I didn´t say ¨Hey guys,help me and the program I write
will guarantee you´ll win the lottery.¨ I merely asked for help with a
programming problem for a personal project - whether it is a fools errand
is my business and not for anyone else to gainsay.
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:51:41 +0000, Bob Gailer wrote:
> At 04:05 PM 7/17/2003 +0100, Rogue9 wrote:
>>After reviewing my question I realised that I should have posted the
>>short piece of real code I'm working on and not tried to write some
>>pseudo-code to illustrate the problem I'm having.Therefore I have
>>printed the listing below which is quite short and hopefully won't annoy
>>too many peopleabout the length of my post.
>>To reiterate:
>>The masterList holds the results for the UK lottery
> [snip]
> I sure hope you are not writing "yet another winning lottery number
> predictor". It is a sad commentary on mathematics education when
> individuals belive that one can predict the outcome of a truly random
> process based on any history. I for one certainly won't support any
> effort to further mislead people.
> Bob Gailer
> bgailer at
> 303 442 2625
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