mx odbc
Kim Petersen
kp at
Thu Jul 10 05:33:24 EDT 2003
David Bolen wrote:
> Kim Petersen <kp at> writes:
>>I'm not arguing that thats not important - *but* paying 70$
>>pr. customer, is the equivalent of paying you for 1hr of support for
>>each customer [not installation mind you], where our own
>>licence/supportcost is already getting lower and lower... I find that
>>_extremely_ steep - i could and would accept such a cost for the
>>python platform (no trouble!) [except in the few (from our view) cases
>>where the user just needs a small tool.
> Except that if you're going to resell a product, presumably you'd go
> for the per-developer fee ($1250).
We work in teams - so that would be 1250*4 making the below calculation
18*4 (and we're not able to pull in freelancers on this kinda stuff then
- other than paying another 1250). [Note: i'm being honest to the gist
of the licence here - you could argue for one developer fee, rest of the
developers run pr.CPU licence, and you build project on the developer
machine for final wrapping]
> It'll beat the per-CPU license at
> about 18 customers (assuming one CPU per customer), and just continue
> shrinking on a per-customer basis after that. In effect, the
> per-developer license is a one time, royalty free, license, the
> marginal unit cost of which disappears over time. As with anything,
> the actual price is up to the owner to set, but on our part, we've
> found the economics reasonable for the functionality supplied within
> our commercial endeavors.
> Is it the only way to go for database access with Python - certainly
> not. But for us (Windows platform with ODBC sources) its worth it for
> the effort Marc-Andre has put in to best support ODBC in that
> environment.
Not arguing about Marc-Andre's fine contributions - they are excellent ;-)
I have no idea about the support (obviously) - but then i hardly ever
buy/use support for development tools [especially not open-source ones].
> Just another data point for what it's worth.
> -- David
Med Venlig Hilsen / Regards
Kim Petersen - Kyborg A/S (Udvikling)
IT - Innovationshuset
Havneparken 2
7100 Vejle
Tlf. +4576408183 || Fax. +4576408188
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