Question regarding naming convention

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Tue Jul 1 15:47:57 EDT 2003

Quoth michael:
> Is there no way to write a class, such that the statement:
>      import MyClass
> would dynamically import the MyClass class from ?

Not recommended, but:

    import sys
    class MyClass(object):
    sys.modules['MyClass'] = MyClass

This is a dangerous hack; I'm sure there's lots of code which
expects sys.modules to contain only modules.

Better, if you really want this kind of behaviour, is to write a
custom __import__ function.  See

> It just surprises me that there isn't a neater way around this, as 
> Python seems to encapsulate most everything else in a simple way.

It's fairly rare for a module to contain only one entity of
interest to importers.  (StringIO is unusual in this respect.)

Since you're coming from a Java background, you might try thinking
of modules as analogous to leaf-level Java packages.  For example,
where Java has
            # etc.
Python would have
    java/  # to make java a package; probably just has docstring  # contains classes LinkedList, AbstractList, etc.

Steven Taschuk                            staschuk at
"Our analysis begins with two outrageous benchmarks."
  -- "Implementation strategies for continuations", Clinger et al.

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