Python is a gem, you need to keep pushing it ....

delphiro delphiro at
Thu Jul 3 10:27:39 EDT 2003

Same story here,

My company primarily uses Delphi (Object Pascal) which is actualy a nice development language / IDE but with linux as a rising star and Kylix as a nasty and not-so-friendly-and-platform-indepandent Delphi-clone we have decided to use Python for a number of small projects. As a python addict I really hope this works out! No offence, but I'd rather be using Emacs and Python than the Delphi IDE. It is so much more fun and it runs on Linux *and* Windows (ok and more.. but those are our target OS'es).

We now have a team of 4 Python addicts trying to convince our bosses and the 30+ Delphi developers. I realy hope this works out :-)


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